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I'm a firm believer in random acts of kindness. I love the surprised yet pleased look I get in response. That's all the reward that's needed. And I never know when the right opportunity will present itself. I just need to remind myself to take advantage of them more often.


When one of my sons was three, he also was fascinated by garbage trucks and would count the days till their weekly return. But in his case, the garbage collectors qualified as Five-Second Heroes because they always smiled and said hello to their shy, pint-sized admirer. Update 2005: That former toddler is now a pilot and in Air Force R.O.T.C. He still is fascinated by powerful vehicles, but switched to those that fly.


This post made me think of the great (and surprised) look on a patron's face when you remember which books s/he like to read or inquire about their new puppy, grandchild, etc. In my opinion, it isn't being too personal, it is just showing you care.

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